This is a new version of SimonLikesMaps and is ready for you to try:
- brand new software fixing lots of bugs
- much nicer to use on a phone
- create plans, which can contain routes, lines and waypoints
You can still find the old version here.
For now, the new version will run side by side with the old one. I'll continue working on the new one and adding new features.
You can try the new one now. When you are ready you can choose to start using it all the time. You can migrate all your existing routes to the new one whenever you like.
Eventually the old one can be switched off. I'll post that date here when I know it.
Any routes not migrated when the old one is turned off will then be lost.
You can keep an eye on progress in this GitHub issue: If you follow the issue you will receive updates as I add them.
Do you have any thoughts or ideas for improving SimonLikesMaps? If so you can leave a comment on the GitHub issue or open a new issue.
Here's a list of what has changed...
- Entirely new user interface rebuilt in modern technology
- Entirely new web server and database also rebuilt in modern technology
- Most if not all bugs removed in the process
- Log in will remember who you are without having to log in every time
Mobile Support
- UI redesigned to work on mobile (small!) screens
- Upgraded to latest OpenLayers
- Support for HiDPI (Retina) maps
- Faster source of Norgeskarte maps
- Able to load maps via WMS GetCapabilities, making it much easier to add new maps
- A new Japan topo map
- Make plans with routes, waypoints and lines, for more capable planning (eg multi day trips)
- When drawing a route or line you can drag a new waypoint out of any part of a line
- Quicker to delete waypoints in a route or line using new tools
- Shorter share URLs
- Much better GPX exporting
- More reliable GPX importing
Useful Features
- Default map view - set the center of the map when it first loads. You can change it to show your home town, for example.
- Route simplification (for elevation sampling or GPX imports) is now done with Douglas-Peucker and Radial Distance algorithms instead of linear interpolation
- Elevation sampling can now go up to 1024 points (old version was 400) so longer routes require less simplification or shorter routes can be sampled more accurately