
Privacy Policy

The only personal data this website knows about you is the information you use to log in, which is your email address.

In the website's database your email is mapped to a user ID. All your planning data is then stored against this ID. Your email address is used when you share a plan. The person with whom you share it can see your email address.

This website does not track or monitor your behaviour in any way or store any other information about you. It does not track your location. This is because it does not earn money through advertising, so it does not need to know what you do.

The data is stored in the USA on a server provided by railway.app

Cookies Policy

This website uses one cookie to store your log in details. It is called slmToken and contains your email address encoded as a JWT Token.

This cookie is same-domain and HTTP-only, which means it cannot be accessed by other websites or scripts.

This cookie is placed without warning you or asking your for approval. This is because it is used to secure your log in and is essential to provide the website service, but does not track you. This is acceptable within what is broadly known as the GDPR regulations. The Information Comissioner's Office of the UK has useful guidelines about these regulations. They explain that, with respect to cookie warnings,

There is an exception for cookies that are essential to provide an online service at someone's request (eg to remember what's in their online basket, or to ensure security in online banking).

This website will never use additional cookies to track or monitor your behaviour or store any other information about you. This is because it does not earn money through advertising so it does not need to know what you do.


This website is currently free, and as such is given to you as-is and without any warranty.

It makes use of many mapping services, each of which is governed by its own Terms and Conditions, particularly with respect to usage volumes.

If for any reason those third-party Terms and Conditions kick in and it means this website cannot serve you a particular map source then SimonLikesMaps is not responsible. In other words, it cannot guarantee that the maps listed here will always be available for you to use.

There is no guarantee the plans you create will remain available forever.